
I spent my new year exactly as I wanted to! Laughter. Love. Lessons. Libations. 

Around this time three years ago if you would’ve told me that I would be a published author,  have spoken about my struggles with my body image on both national and international levels, or created an entire organization built to represent fat, big, and large bodied people in all facets of media. I would have thought you were crazy. 

Three years ago I was stuck in a job that I hated, a school program that was demeaning to me as a person and as a professional, and a relationship where I was being degraded and dehumanized. 

I would’ve never known that I could bring together people in so many different ways with such various body types with one mission; to love and respect and celebrate your body, simply because it’s yours. To take back the power that has been taken from you. To abolish the thoughts that make you think  your body is less than worthy or not good enough. 

I used my experience as fuel. I had long fought with myself to accept and love that my body is mine and will change and alter oftentimes, with and without my influence. I have the power to do what I want with my own body and no one can take that from me or make me feel any lesser than because I am not for them.  

I exist for me, my own pleasure, my own desire, my own joy!! 

2020 was....

We could all fill that with so many things. 

If you are are doing enough. 

At times that’s all you can do!



Body Love


The Question