The AFTER Picture

I am, the AFTER picture. 

So often people are praised for weight loss photos. And though that was their goal the praise comes from the societal pressures and the ideas of a “good” or “ideal” body. That their “before” photo of their body is not good enough. 

Fat bodies are treated and regarded as something negative, to get away from, to grow out of. Fat bodies are portrayed as something to avoid and make them seem lesser than. When you tell someone that their body is the “before” you are insinuating that they are in some ways insignificant and unworthy of having praise for simply existing. 


I believe in Body Autonomy so if you are CHOOSING something specific for your body weight gain, weight loss, cosmetic surgery, body augmentations, shape wear, being pregnant, or not choosing to give birth, child raising or not, eating whatever you want, eating specific foods…


My issues come into play when you use a photo of a body like mine to treat it as if there is something inherently wrong with a body that LOOKS like mine. 

Your goals can be yours and yours alone, but your “before '' body should not be synonymous with bad or negative. 

Bodies are allowed to have stretch marks, rolls, cellulite, dark spots, hair, sag….any changes. Bodies get to alter as you grow older. The body you had at 2 is not going to be the body you have at 22. Bodies change in many ways, and that’s okay it does not make you bad. The transformations your body WILL endure does not make your body wrong. 

It has been shown that the BMI is based around skewed research that is gained from one demographic of people. This would not take into account things such as culture, food, body density, food health, food waste, environment, various body types, blood types, etc. 

We are now seeing more and more research about fat and large bodies being identified as “healthy” but even that term itself is subjective. 

According to Webster's Dictionary the word healthy deliberately means:

1 a : enjoying good health

free from disease

   b: not displaying clinical signs of disease or infection

2: beneficial to one's physical, mental, or emotional state : conducive to or associated with good health or reduced risk of disease

3 : showing physical, mental, or emotional well-being : evincing good health


   b : not small or feeble : CONSIDERABLE

None of the above are specific to the idea that a BODY TYPE or shape is healthier over the other based on aesthetic. Meaning that one can not ASSUME nor INSINUATE that there is a way to look that would make someone healthy. 

“You are so unhealthy, your obese” These comments are made to people to pick their bodies apart and make them feel bad for the this existence. 

Social media can be used a tool for positive change but it can also be used as a weapon to in act terror on people. 

Cyberbullying and social media posturing have become a trending form of convincing people that there is only one body shape that is beautiful and desirable. 

From flat tummy teas to waist trainers, and fast fat burning social media influencers promotions. 

 Some people lose weight as a personal choice. There is nothing wrong with doing what is best for you and your body. An aspect of loving your body is to nourish it in totality, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and more. 

Allow me to reiterate, people should be proud when they set a goal and achieve said goal, but that celebration and acknowledgement does not have to be at the expense of anyone else.

The choices you make for your body are just that, they are your own personal choices to do for your body as you see fit.  

But treating bodies that do not look like yours or the body you used to have as disgusting, replaceable, disposable, unattractive, because they are fat is inhumane in nature. 

Your “before” body is not something to be ashamed of, your “after” body should be celebrated because of the personal goal you set for yourself and accomplished. But if your choices are rooted in patriarchy, white supremacy, and fatphobia…then they are not for you. You should not be made to feel as if you are inadequate in any way. 

Your body that you have now is a good body. It is an ideal body because it is yours, it's the only one you will ever have and it will LOOK different at many points over your lifetime. But it is always deserving of a full and total love. 


The Power of Reclaiming the word FAT


Confirming our Fears