Lovely Letters Challenge

Dear Lovelies,

As we step into February, the month synonymous with love, it’s the perfect time to turn our attention inward and honor the most important relationship of all—the one we have with ourselves. At Love Thy Belly, we champion body positivity, self-acceptance, and the belief that every body is a good body. What better way to celebrate these values than through Lovely Letters, the second self published book by me?

Lovely Letters is a heartfelt collection of reflections, prompts, and affirmations designed to help readers embrace their authentic selves. Through powerful storytelling and practical exercises, I invite each of you to reimagine love—not just as something we seek from others, but as a practice we cultivate within ourselves.

For those of us on a journey of self-acceptance, this book is a guide and companion. It reminds us that love is not reserved for a particular size, shape, or shade; it is a birthright for all.

In a month often focused on romantic love, I want to remind you of the power of self-love:

"Before you look for love in someone else, give it to yourself. You are your first and forever home."

At Love Thy Belly, we believe that loving your body is an act of resistance and a celebration of your individuality. Lovely Letters aligns perfectly with our mission to challenge harmful narratives and embrace self-acceptance, especially for those of us in fat, Black, and queer bodies or other marginalized identities that are often times forgotten about an underrepresented.

In the spirit of Lovely Letters and the Love Thy Belly movement, we’re inviting you to join our "Lovely Letters Challenge" this February.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Write a letter to your belly or your body.

  2. Celebrate its strength, beauty, and resilience.

  3. Share your letter (if you feel comfortable) with our community to inspire others on their journey.

  4. Be willing to open and receive love from yourself for yourself.

I know first hand how hard it can be to look in the mirror and not love what you see. The world often tells us we need to change, but Lovely Letters reminds us that we are already enough and deserving of love just as we are, 

With love, 

Fairen Kia 

Champion of Self-Love


Stop Apologizing for Your Body


How to Set and Maintain Boundaries