#LTB: August 27, 2019

Every day of my life I have thought about how I was lied to over and over again. How a person could look me in my eyes and tell me all the things they thought were wrong about me. I think about how each intimate moment was apart of a plan to gain access, resources, and money from me. I think about each moment they looked at me they were disgusted and how I still stayed. 

I finally found the power to stand up for myself but then I was made to be the villain. As if the years of abuse didn’t exist. But that no longer matters. I will always come out on top

Now I think about the power I have. The strength I had then. Not weakness. The resilience I have to move forward. 

#AHealingFatGirlSummer #LoveThyBelly 


#LTB: August 28, 2019


#LTB: August 26, 2019